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127 Wege um sein Motorrad zuschrotten bzw. sich selbst.
Die Liste ist schon etwas älter und funktioniert eigentlich fast nur bei Motorrädern die keinen Seitenständerschalter haben. Dazu kommt noch das diese Liste in Englisch ist.

  1. Putting your foot into a hole when stopping.
  2. Putting your foot down on something slippery when stopping.
  3. ocking the front wheel during overenthusiastic braking.
  4. Missing the driveway and sliding on the grass.
  5. Not putting the kickstand down when getting off.
  6. Make a turn from stop in gravel or sand at high throttle.
  7. Not putting a board ('foot')under the kickstand on asphalt on a hot day.
  8. Letting overenthusiastic people sit on your bike who have never been on a bike.
  9. Forgetting the bike's in gear when you jump on the kickstarter.
  10. Revving the engine, releasing clutch, and putting feet on pegs when the light turns green, but the bike's in neutral.
  11. Not putting your foot down when stopping at red light.
  12. Losing balance when putting it on the centerstand.
  13. Take an hour ride in 30 degree weather with no gloves, stop at a stop sign and pop the clutch when you start because you've lost feeling in your hands.
  14. Putting your foot down at a toll booth on the thick layer of grease that builds up when cars stop.
  15. Using too much power when you pull out of a greasy toll booth.
  16. Ignoring the sand that builds up in the spring at the side of the road (in places where roads are sanded and salted in winter.)
  17. Kicking your kickstand in a cool fashion and having it bounce back up instead of staying down.
  18. Getting off your bike while it is running and forgetting that is in gear.
  19. Trying to kick start your first bike over and over because you didn't realize that it was really out of fuel, and getting the goofy metal ring on the side of your boot caught in the kickstarter, causing you (and the bike) to go over on the right side.
  20. Starting your brand-new electric-start trail-bike, riding around an ornamental shrub on full left lock, throwing it to the right and accelerating to wheelie over the curb onto the street and _then_ discovering that you hadn't unlocked the steering-lock... ...weiterlesen "127 wege dein Bike zuschrotten"

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And so at last the beast fell and the unbelievers rejoiced. But all was not lost, for from the ash rose a great bird. The bird gazed down upon the unbelievers and cast fire and thunder upon them. For the beast had been reborn with its strength renewed, and the followers of Mammon cowered in horror. from The Mozilla Book, 7:15

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